These Durango Boots discount codes are marked as expired in our system, but it's really common for coupons to work beyond their advertised expiation date. So we certainly can't guarantee that these codes work, but they very well might!
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About Durango Boots: Durango produces western-style footwear for men, women and children. Durango Boots may be purchased at or at hundreds of retailers across the country, including Kohl's, Target, Dick's Sporting Goods and more.
Durango Boots Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use a Durango Boots coupon code?
In order to apply your coupon code, click the shopping cart link in the upper-right corner of the screen. Locate the box labeled "Enter Coupon Code" below the items in your cart. Enter your code and click "Apply."
How can I get a 15% off coupon?
Sign up for Durango's email list to earn 15% off your next purchase. Scroll down to the website's footer and enter your name and email in the two boxes on the right side of the screen.
Does Durango Boots offer a rewards program?
Create an account with Durango to join the Durango Dollars Loyalty Program. For every dollar you spend, you will earn one point. You will receive $15 off your next purchase for every 300 points you earn. Purchases over $200 will net you 50 bonus points. You can also earn double points on every purchase after your first order per 12 month period.
How do I contact Durango Boots?
Contact Durango Boots by phone at 1-866-442-4908 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday through Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. They may be reached through email using their contact form. Additionally, use their live chat option during regular business hours by clicking the "Help" link located near the top of the website.