These What a Crock discount codes are marked as expired in our system, but it's really common for coupons to work beyond their advertised expiation date. So we certainly can't guarantee that these codes work, but they very well might!
$5 Off $50+
Valid now through January 7th. Score $5 off $50+ throughout the site when you use this What a Crock promotional code at checkout.
Don't miss your chance to save 25% on a wide selection of furniture and decorative accessories. This offer is valid throughout the sale period and includes bestsellers from our latest collections.
Enjoy a special welcome discount by using our promo code at checkout. This offer is valid for new customers only, providing a delightful savings of 20% off their entire first purchase.
About What a Crock: What a Crock is a food service that puts amazing meals together from scratch and preps them so that all you have to do is slow cook them in your crock pot! The company does all the hard work & since you're still completing the last step at home the foods are as fresh as possible.
What a Crock Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use a What a Crock promo code?
To use a coupon first add your meals into your cart and proceed to the check-out page. Under your items on the right side of the page will be a box that says "Gift Card or Discount Code". Enter your code here and click "Apply" to redeem your discount.
How else can I save at What a Crock?
Receive discounts & exclusive news when you sign-up for the mailing list. Follow What a Crock on social media for appetizing pictures & new arrivals. The sale tab has yummy food that's currently selling at a discount.
What is What a Crock's shipping / return policy?
Free shipping is offered for orders more than $99. Currently the company only sells to select states. All states on the east coast are covered & some states get more expensive as you go more to the west.
How do I contact What a Crock?
To contact What a Crock you can call 484-474-0451 or email You can also message them directly on their website under "Contact Us".