These Blue Apron discount codes are marked as expired in our system, but it's really common for coupons to work beyond their advertised expiation date. So we certainly can't guarantee that these codes work, but they very well might!
About Blue Apron: Blue Apron is a meal delivery service that wants to make home-cooked meals accessible to everyone, no matter how busy their schedules are. They work with family-operated farms to receive specially grown produce at affordable prices. Blue Apron also offers a wine delivery service and sells cooking supplies on their website.
Blue Apron Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use Blue Apron coupons?
You can use a Blue Apron coupon by entering the promo code on their website during checkout. If you're a first-time customer, Blue Apron automatically gives you a $30 discount.
What are some tips & tricks to save at Blue Apron?
You can save money with your Blue Apron subscription by skipping a week when you would rather go out to eat or cook meals from your own ingredients, as long as you schedule a skip six days before your next delivery. Watch their quick cooking tutorial videos on their website to learn how to correctly prepare your meals.
What is Blue Apron's shipping & return policy?
Shipping is always free when you're on one of the meal subscription plans at Blue Apron. You can choose which day of the week your meal arrives, and you don't have to worry about the food spoiling before you get to it because it's packaged inside a refrigerated box.
How can I contact Blue Apron?
Check out Blue Apron's FAQ page before sending them an email. If you still can't find the answer to your question, you can send them an email through their form on their website. You can also call them at (646) 891-4349 or (888) 278-4349.